
GO 40 Powers and Functions Delegation of Powers of HMs, MEOs, DyEOs, DEOs

GO 40 Powers and Functions Delegation of Powers of HMs, MEOs, DyEOs, DEOs

GO 40 Powers and Functions, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Education Department, A.P. Educational Services(APES)and A.P. School Educational – Subordinate Services(APSESS) Officers Powers and functions Rules,2002 – orders Issued.

Reference: From the C & DSE,Hyd, Lr.Rc.No. 484/C3-1/2002, Dt.4-3-2002.


The Commissioner and Director of School Education, in the reference read above has reported that the issue of Delegation Powers to various functionaries namely the Head Masters of Primary Schools, Upper primary Schools, High Schools, Mandal Educational Officers/Deputy Inspectors of Schools and Deputy Educational Officers, has been discussed at the District Educational Officers Conference held on 13-2-2002 and 14-2-2002, and subsequently with the all Teachers Organization and proposed the rules for A.P. Educational Services and A.P. School Educational Sub-ordinate Services.

  1. Government after careful examination have decided to accept the proposed rules for A.P. Educational Services and A.P. School Educational sub-ordinate Services and accordingly the following notification will be published in the extra-ordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, dated 9-5-2002


In exercise of the powers conferred by the section 99 read with sections 78,85,and 93 of the Andhra Pradesh Education Act 1982(Act.No.1 of 1982 and in supersession of all corresponding rules, proceedings, orders relating to the powers and functions of the head Masters of Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools, High Schools, Mandal Educational Officers/Deputy Inspector of Schools, Deputy Educational Officers and District Educational Officer of the Department of the School Education.

1.(i) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Educational Services and Andhra Pradesh School Educational Sub-ordinate Services Officers Powers and Function Rules,2002.

(ii) These rules shall come into force with immediate effect.

  1. The following shall be the powers and functions of the Officers of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Services and Andhra Pradesh School Educational Sub-ordinate Services.


Head Master of Primary school shall grant Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave to the teachers of Primary School.


  1. The Head Master of Upper Primary School shall grant Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave to the teachers of Upper primary schools,
  2. Condone the Age relaxation to VII Class students.
  3. Change the Media/Language to students.
  4. Condone the shortage of attendance to the students.
  5. Admit the students from ICSC/CBSE syllabus or other syllabi to State Syllabus.


The Head Master of High School shall have powers in respect of all teachers working in High School and he shall

  1. Grant Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave.
  2.  Sanction of Earned Leave/Half Pay Leave/Comuted Leave/Maternity Leave/and Extra Ordinary Leave.
  3. Sanction of Increments and pay fixations.
  4. Sanction of Automatic Advancement Scheme, Leave Travel Concession and Joining permissions. 5. Issue regular Pay scales on completion of apprentice service.
  5. sanction general Provident Fund Loans nad General Provident Fund Part-Finals and forwarding of General Provident Fund Withdrawals.
  6.  Sanction Family Benefit fund and Group Insurance Scheme Amounts.
  7.  Sanction Pension s and forwarding of proposals to Accountant General and forwarding of A.P. Government Life Insurance applications.
  8. Draw the Medical Advance/Reimbursement after sanction by the Commissioner and Director of School Education.
  9.  Condone the age relaxation to 7th and 10th class students.
  10. Change the Media/Language to the students.
  11. Condone the shortage of Attendance to the students.
  12. Admit the students from ICSE/CBSE syllabus or other syllabi to state syllabus; GO 40 Powers and Functions


The Mandal Educational Officers/dy.I..O. Schools shall have powers in respect of Head Master of Primary and UPS and Teachers working in primary and upper primary schools, and he shall

  1. Sanction of Earned Leave/Half Pay Leave/Commuted Leave/Maternity Leave/and Extra Ordinary Leave.
  2. Sanction of Increments and pay fixations.
  3. Sanction of Automatic Advancement Scheme, Leave Travel Concession and Joining permissions.
  4. Issue regular Pay scales on completion of apprentice service.
  5.  Sanction general Provident Fund Loans and General Provident Fund Part-Finals and forwarding of General Provident Fund Withdrawals.
  6. Sanction Family Benefit fund and Group Insurance Scheme Amounts.
  7. Sanction Pension s and forwarding of proposals to Accountant General and forwarding of A.P. Government Life Insurance applications.
  8. Draw the Medical Advance/Reimbursement after sanction by the Commissioner and Director of School Education.
  9. Grant Casual Leave, special casual leave to Head Masters of Primary and Upper primary schools.


The Deputy Educational Officer shall have powers in respect of Head Masters of High Schools and he shall. GO 40 Powers and Functions

  1. Grant Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave
  2. Sanction of Earned Leave/Half Pay Leave/Commuted Leave/Maternity Leave/and Extra Ordinary Leave.
  3. Sanction of Increments and pay fixations.
  4. Sanction of Automatic Advancement Scheme, Leave Travel Concession and Joining permissions. 5. Sanction general Provident Fund Loans and General Provident Fund Part-Finals and forwarding of General Provident Fund Withdrawals
  5. Sanction Family Benefit fund and Group Insurance Scheme Amounts.
  6. Sanction Pension s and forwarding of proposals to Accountant General and forwarding of A.P. Government Life Insurance applications.
  7. Draw the Medical Advance/Reimbursement after sanction by the Commissioner and Director of School Education
  8. Attest the Transfer Certificates of students seeking admission in other States.


The Dist. Educational Officer shall have Powers in respect of Mandal Educational Officer/Deputy Inspector of Schools and he shall

  1. Grant Casual Leave, Special Casual Leave
  2. Sanction of Earned Leave/Half Pay Leave/Commuted Leave/Maternity Leave/and Extra Ordinary Leave.
  3.  Sanction of Increments and pay fixations.
  4. Sanction of Automatic Advancement Scheme, Leave Travel Concession and Joining permissions.
  5. Sanction general Provident Fund Loans and General Provident Fund Part-Finals and forwarding of General Provident Fund Withdrawals
  6. Sanction Family Benefit fund and Group Insurance Scheme Amounts.
  7.  Sanction Pension s and forwarding of proposals to Accountant General and forwarding of A.P. Government Life Insurance applications.
  8.  Draw the Medical Advance/Reimbursement after sanction by the Commissioner and Director of School Education
  9. Attest the Transfer Certificates of students seeking admission in other Countries. x)Impose minor punishments as per A.P. Civil Services (CCA)Rules , 1991 in  respect of Mandal Educational Officers/Deputy Inspector of Schools and Head  Masters of High Schools.

b) He shall also have powers in respect of teachers in Primary , Upper Primary and High Schools for regularization of their services and declaration of Probation as per existing service rules. 2002-4-291,



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