
How to construct Square root spiral ?

How to construct Square root spiral ? maths 9 class square root   spiral

 Square root spiral constuction process in 9 th class maths.

Construction of a Square root spiral:

Square root spiral

Construction of a Square root spiral:

Explain the construction of the square root spiral?

To  construct the Square root spiral we have to remember the Pythagoras Theorem .

The follwing is tge theorem of Pythagoras in a Right angled Triangle .

Pythagoras theorem  :

Pythagoras theorem is a fundamental relationship among the three sides of a right triangle.

It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides. 


Where h is the hypotenuse and a, b are the other two sides of the right-angled triangle.

Now we will learn the process of Construction of square root spiral

Construction of a Square root spiral:

1.        Draw a line segment AB of length 1 unit by taking 1 cm as a unit.

2.       Construct a line BX perpendicular to the line segment AB, by using a compass.

3.       From B, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cuts BX at C.4

.         Join AC.

5.       Taking AC as base, draw a perpendicular CY to AC, by using the compass.

6.       From C, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cuts CY at D.

7.       Join AD. 

8.       Taking AD as a base, draw a perpendicular DZ to AD, by using the compass.

9.       From D, draw an arc of 1 unit, which cuts DZ at E.

10.     Join AE.

11.    Keep repeating the above process for a sufficient number of times. Then, the figure so obtained is   called a square root spiral.

You can also watch the below video FOR STEP by STEP PROCESS 

to construct the Square root spiral for step by step process 

a spiral has been used by Theodora to argue that all non-square numbers 3  to 17 3-17are irrational.

watch this video  for step by step process of construction of Square root spiral 



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